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Cool Facts about the American Curly Horse

Even though American Curly Horses, also called American Bashkir Curly, have been linked to the Crow and Sioux Indians as a work horse as far back as the 1800's, no one is totally sure where they originally came from. Because of their unusual appearance, they were called Buffalo Ponies. Curly Horses first showed up in Nevada and other South Western states, but because of their amiable nature, they are quickly growing in popularity and are more readily seen around the US.


Angel, the American Curly Horse in Angels Club is white and on the small side, but Curlies can come in all colors  and sizes. Regardless of size however, they all share similar features, which sets them apart from other breeds, even other wavy-coated breeds.



Check out Sandy's horse, Kahasi. Isn't he beautiful? Just like Angel in our book! Curly Horses have wavy to curly, ringlet coats which grow thicker and curlier in winter and shed when it's warm. Their manes, tails, fetlocks, and eyelashes are also wavy, and they have curls in their ears. This is Kahasi's summer look. See those pretty curly eyelashes and the long, spiraly forelock that looks like wisps of willow? How cute! Curlies are usually tolerable to those with horse or dander allergies, so people with breathing issues or allergies can typically ride them even if they can't ride other horses. Curly Horses can withstand colder temperatures and harsher conditions than other horses because they have thicker coats for protection, but they still need to be properly stalled, fed and groomed. Having round, strong hooves gives them the ability to travel easily over rocky ground and rougher turrain. And although their hooded eyes can make them look drowsy, don't let that fool you! They are actually very alert, friendly, curious and intelligent. They make excellent work horses because of their hearty endurance, but they can also even be graceful enough for dressage.

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Courtney Vail & Sandra J. Howell.


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